Kininvie 1991 23yo Batch 3 | 42.6% | Speyside
Distillery Info
Kininvie Distillery, Scotland founded: 1990 | silent
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For more detailed mapping of the distilleries in the area from our whisky map page, use this link.
Meet Deets
Meet #78 | 13/08/16 | Hosted by Whisky Fringe
It was Whisky Fringe 2016 and 19 of us went along together! We went outside about 90 minutes in to review a few whiskies as a group - it didn't go perfectly to plan, but we ended up with 3 reviews!
It was Whisky Fringe 2016 and 19 of us went along together! We went outside about 90 minutes in to review a few whiskies as a group - it didn't go perfectly to plan, but we ended up with 3 reviews!
Not that many of us got round to tasting this, but it's rarely seen so a review seemed a sensible route! It had a fresh nose (or is that Refreshers?), but the addition of water turned this freshness very mild. Two people felt the fresnhess was complimented by apples, but they might've been copycatting eachother by this point.
There was agreement that this tasted sweet, but then TOTAL DISAGREEMENT as to whether it was weak of spicy. And EVEN MORE DISAGREEMENT on whether it was good or didn't have much going on. There was ABSOLUTELY NO DISAGREEMENT that it was earthy.
It maintained its sweetness through to the finish, but didn't have much company left by this point.
It was summed up rather succinctly as "nice, not crazy nice".
~£120 (35cl)
78 / 100
Ali6.5 Ali GN/A CavN/A ChristinaN/A GilesN/A GraemeN/A HamishN/A HuwN/A IainN/A JamieN/A JessN/A JosephN/A LauraN/A LizN/A Martin7 MaryN/A Phil6.3 SaskiaN/A ShelleyN/A Avg.6.6