Cadenhead's Balmenach 13yo | 53.2% | Speyside

Balmenach Distillery, Scotland founded: 1824 | active
For more detailed mapping of the distilleries in the area from our whisky map page, use this link.
For more detailed mapping of the distilleries in the area from our whisky map page, use this link.

Meet #93 | 10/03/18 | Hosted by Jamie
One of our number takes as northside as we go down to Leith for a blind tasting of recent offerings from Cadenhead's, as well as a cheeky supermarket-own-bottling thrown in to test us!
One of our number takes as northside as we go down to Leith for a blind tasting of recent offerings from Cadenhead's, as well as a cheeky supermarket-own-bottling thrown in to test us!
Other bottles sampled:
#216 Ben Bracken Highland | SSWC review 93a
#218 Cads Dailuaine 13yo | SSWC review 93c
#219 Cads Teaninich 11yo | SSWC review 93d
#216 Ben Bracken Highland | SSWC review 93a
#218 Cads Dailuaine 13yo | SSWC review 93c
#219 Cads Teaninich 11yo | SSWC review 93d

Biscuits. Citrus bathroom cleaner. Chicken korma. Old clothes and moth balls.

Mint, menthol. Big floral pink flowers off a succulent tree (Thailand massage parlour?). Licorice. Mega floral. Spiced rum. Hint of zing. Normal. Salty and spicy.

Woody spice - short. Pink peppercorns. Fancy syrup.

Soft fade. Really great - full of unusual flavours.

~£55 (70cl)

78 / 100
AliN/A Ali GN/A Giles6.8 HuwN/A IainN/A James7 JamieN/A JoelN/A LizN/A Martin6.5 Phil7.9 Saskia5.5 Stewart6.1 Avg.6.6