Kingsbarns New Make Spirit Drink | 63.5% | Lowland

Kingsbarns Distillery, Scotland founded: 2014 | active
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Meet #70 | 19/25/12 | Hosted by Will
Christmas Whisky Club 2016. A mixture of new make, proper whisky, a new distillery release (from a different distillery) and an SMWS Cognac..
Christmas Whisky Club 2016. A mixture of new make, proper whisky, a new distillery release (from a different distillery) and an SMWS Cognac..
Other bottles sampled:
#148 Speyside 18yo | SSWC review 70b
#149 SMWS C1 Cognac | SSWC review 70c
#150 Raasay Tuscan Cask | SSWC review 70d
#148 Speyside 18yo | SSWC review 70b
#149 SMWS C1 Cognac | SSWC review 70c
#150 Raasay Tuscan Cask | SSWC review 70d

Brutal. Smells like new make, perhaps unsurprisingly? Cream soda, ketchup and booze. Windowlene & Branston pickle with white wine x2, then white rum. Anything else white? Well yes, actually.. a public urinal. Aaaand, even some cold batter. Not as bad as you think.. smells like whisky. Vodka. Festival toilets - dungy. Fruity with spearmint. In summary: a non-distilled condiment.

Bang! Strong booze. Worcester sauce. Grassy-ass.. tequila. Cherry lip death and very drunken bananas. Aniseed. Think it's really tasty. Fennel, Ouzo, appley and very sour almonds. A Farmyard. Is this apple brandy? Aniseed. Like all the condiments I like: Worcester sauce, Tabasco, ketchup, brown sauce and vinegar. Spicy initially then honey. Better than my Covonia cough sweets, which are described as warming and menthol.

Violent cream soda. It burns - long & hot. Corn flake vodka. Harsh, chili, intense! Mustardy, fresh, zingy. Limeade, rinds of various kinds. Acidic chilli, apple crumble, green apple peel. Lllooooooonnnnngggggggg. Also short and fiery (somehow). Oh, and also pretty smooth and medium. I give up.

Dirty Croatian white booze. Not as brutal as normal new make. Agh. Better than expected. I would smash a bottle of this no danger. Pretty good, wouldn't mind it hot out the still. Wangers! It has potential.. first new make I've tried that I like. Dinner served in 10.

~£16 (20cl)

61 / 100
Ali6 Ali G5.1 Christina4.5 Giles5 Hamish4.4 Heather5.8 KirsteenN/A LauraN/A Liz4.3 Lucy4 Lundy5.6 Martin5 Phil5.2 Russell5 Will6.4 Will GN/A Avg.5.1